
SummarySusceptibility of 18 alternate host species to Cronartium flaccidum or C. ribicola was tested. Alive test plants were inoculated in the greenhouse and the formation of Cronartium uredinia and telia was followed on the plants for 8 weeks. Cronartium flaccidum formed uredinia and telia on Bartsia alpina and Euphrasia stricta (Orobanchaceae), Nasa triphylla and N. urens (Loasaceae), Nemesia floribunda (Scrophulariaceae), Tropaeolum majus (Tropaeolaceae), Veronica daurica (Plantaginaceae) and Vincetoxicum hirundinaria (Apocynaceae). Single uredinia or telia developed also on N. urens and E. stricta inoculated with C. ribicola. For the first time, Cronartium are reported to sporulate on members of Loasaceae and Scrophulariaceae, N. urens and N. floribunda.

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