
Abstract Dielectric measurements on single crystals and DSC of the title compound (monoclinic, space group P21) revealed a ferroelectric transition at ca. 355 K (ΔH ≈ 0.5 kJ mol-1) Powder x-ray diffraction indicated that the high temperature phase is also monoclinic and the change in volume at the transition is very small. A displacement of hydrogen atoms is considered as responsible for the appearance of ferroelectricity. The 35Cl NQR signals at ca. 77 K were considerably broad, but a drastic narrowing took place after the compound had once experienced the phase transition. A tentative assignment of the NQR spectrum was made from a calculation of the NQR frequencies based on the CNDO/2 method. Another phase transition was evidenced by a small drift of the DSC curve and a slight anomaly of the dielectric behavior around 358 K. The present 1H NMR experiments gave no indication of the onset of torsional motion of the NH2 group reported to occur at ca. 210 K.

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