
Examples of parasite-related effects on intermediate crustacean hosts are numerous but their ecological consequences on their vertebrate hosts are scarce. Here, we address the role of macroparasite infections on the trophic niche structure of definitive hosts and its potential physiological consequences using wild fish populations infected with an acantochephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus sp., a trophically transmitted intestinal worm. Infected and uninfected fish were sampled from six populations on the Marne River, France and the prevalence of intestinal parasites in the host populations ranged from 50% to 90%. Although the isotopic ratios (δ13 C and δ15 N) did not differ between infected and uninfected fish, we found a consistent pattern of isotopic niche size being considerably smaller in infected hosts when compared with noninfected ones. This was not explained by interindividual differences in intrinsic factors such as length/age or body condition between infected and uninfected fish. These results suggest a potential niche specialization of infected fish, which did not impair their energetic status.

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