
The aim of this study is to investigate the pedagogical practice of mathematics teachers from the final years of elementary school in the Municipal Public School of Teresina-PI, in effective teaching activity, based on the narratives of these teachers. This is an empirical research with a qualitative approach. In view of the understanding that pedagogical practice is inseparable from the teaching professional trajectory and in view of the nature of this research, narratives have been used, which have been shown to be appropriate because they enable interlocutors to report their personal perceptions, their most intimate in addition to other experiences that have marked (or have been marking) his professional career. The data produced by the narrative interview and selected for this study, were analyzed in the light of the theoretical framework of Content Analysis from the perspective of Bardin. It was found that the process of critical reflexivity about the practice, constantly experienced by teachers, collaborators of this study, enabled the understanding and rational analysis of their teaching action in the perspective of better systematizing it and making it operational. It also allowed these teachers to develop, based on this critical posture and the perception of the nature of the pedagogical action, knowledge related to their profession, considering that their practice, due to its situated, historical and social character, went beyond the mere application of techniques and content transmission.


  • This text brings and discusses the results of a research involving mathematics teachers from the final years of elementary school in the Municipal Public School of Teresina - PI, in effective teaching activity, with the objective of investigating their pedagogical practice, based on their narratives

  • Brazil is beginning to transform its research paradigm. It is the paradigm of the “thinking of the teacher” that slowly seeks its space within the scope of research on the formation of mathematics teachers

  • In addition to the introduction, this text was structured with the sections: methodological aspects; pedagogical practice of Mathematics teachers: some theoretical reflections; analysis and discussion of the pedagogical practice of mathematics teachers from their narratives; final considerations

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Final considerations
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