
This paper explores how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can revolutionize Home Economics education in Nigeria, particularly at secondary schools. ICT integration aligns with national policy goals of introducing students to technology and enhancing professional skills in Home Economics. Students can access a wealth of online resources, improving their knowledge of nutrition, healthy living, and sustainable home management. However, challenges like limited internet access, lack of ICT facilities, and inadequately trained teachers impede progress. Overcoming these hurdles requires collaboration. The government can invest in teacher training and infrastructure development, while schools can explore cost-effective solutions. Partnerships with communities and the private sector can further support ICT resource acquisition. The paper emphasizes the importance of teacher collaboration and localized digital content creation to enhance learning and cultural identity. By addressing challenges and implementing a multi-pronged approach, stakeholders can empower educators to leverage technology. Students equipped with both Home Economics knowledge and digital literacy skills will be prepared for the future, becoming informed consumers, responsible family members, and innovative contributors to society. Ultimately, ICT integration has the potential to transform Home Economics into a dynamic and engaging learning experience, empowering individuals and society to thrive in a technology-driven world

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