
The nations of Soviet Union. The coexistence and distraction of cultures (the literary output of Ludmila Ulitskaya)
 After the October Revolution different nations were forced to live together on the area of totalitarian Soviet Union. Their history got worse after the Second World War when Soviet soldiers and especially Stalyn were considered as winners and in this way they cold “colonise” new countries. Their citizens wanted to regain freedom in the 60’s and 70’s od twentieth century. They were called dissidents. One of the most famous modern Russian writers who presents these subject matters is Ludmila Ulitskaya – the representative of new realism whose books have been translated into 25 languages. In her novels and short stories she concentrates mainly on the silmilarities and differences between The Russians and other nations being under communistic control. Ulitskaya shows that some of them wanted to keep their identity by looking after their own tradition, religion, customs. The novelist tries to prove that it is possible to coexist with each other if you respect different habits and culture and if you desire to communicate with others using constructive dialogue.

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