
Interrogation is the most important part of any Criminal Investigation. The main role of interrogation comes when there is less or no physical evidence. In these cases the police depend on the interrogation to corroborate any evidence. We have been searching the effective means of interrogation since a long time, this has at times led us to take some torturous path. The most recent development in the field of interrogation has been the “Narco-Analysis Test” (Truth Serum Test), which is a very intriguing method as it has been of topic of debate between many lawyers and psychiatrist. The aim of our research paper is to analyze the process of narco-analysis test. Our paper deals with the effect of Sodium Pentathol(the barbiturate used in the process),if any, on the human body; it also deals with the medical and ethical aspects of the test. A detailed explanation of the procedure carried out for conducting a narco analysis has also been given. This paper talks about the evidentiary value of narco test in the Indian scenario. Our analysis has been supported by the landmark Judgments of Honorable Courts of Justice. The analysis of Abdul Karim Telgi (Stamp Paper Fraud Case) and Arushi- Hemraj Double Murder on the pretext of Narco Test is the central point of the paper.

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