
DR. NANSEN arrived at Vardö, Norway, on Thursday, August 13, after an absence of three years. A Reuter telegram says that he left the Fram with a companion on March 14, 1895, in lat. 84° N., in order to push further north into the Polar Sea than the Fram could penetrate. The expedition accomplished its object in traversing the Polar Sea to a point north of the New Siberia islands. The most northerly point attained was lat. 86° 14′, which is nearly 200 miles further north than had previously been reached. No land was sighted north of 82°. Dr. Nansen and his companion then went south to Franz Josef Land, where they passed the winter, subsisting on bears flesh and whale blubber. Here they fell in with the Windward, of the Jackson-Harmsworth expedition, which brought them to Vardö. It is expected that the Fram will eventually arrive at Spitbergen.

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