
In this paper, the development of nanosatellite temperature & humidity sensor is presented. Nanotechnology has emerged as a significant field of science and engineering with potential applications across multiple fields, including medicine, electronics, and energy. By studying materials at the nanoscale level, researchers have discovered unique properties that can be harnessed for innovative solutions to real-world problems. Nanotechnology is an area of ongoing research and development with efforts to explore its possibilities and challenges. This paper provides an overview of nanotechnology and its applications, with a particular focus on its use in space exploration. Over the past two decades, the rise of "New Space" has democratized access to space, allowing for the development of small and cost-effective satellites known as nanosatellites or CubeSats. These nanosatellites have revolutionized space exploration, enabling new approaches to space missions and facilitating creative solutions to space-related challenges. Nanosatellites have demonstrated their potential for Earth observation, climate monitoring, scientific research, and commercial applications such as space-based logistics and internet coverage. By using sensors, nanosatellites can collect valuable data and monitor their environments, making them an effective tool for space exploration and research. The work done & presented in this paper is the result of the mini-project work that has been done by the first sem engineering students of the college and as such there is little novelty in it and the references are being taken from various sources from the internet, the paper is being written by the students to test their writing skills in the starting of their engineering career and also to test the presentation skills during their mini-project presentation. The work done & presented in this paper is the report of the assignment / alternate assessment tool as a part and parcel of the academic assignment of the first year subject on nanotechnology & IoT.

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