
Due the implementation of nanotechnologies in the pharmaceutical industry over the last few decades, new type of cutting-edge formulations—nanopharmaceutics—have been proposed. These comprise pharmaceutical products at the nanoscale, developed from different types of materials with the purpose to, e.g., overcome solubility problems of poorly water-soluble drugs, the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles of known drugs but also of new biomolecules, to modify the release profile of loaded compounds, or to decrease the risk of toxicity by providing site-specific delivery reducing the systemic distribution and thus adverse side effects. To succeed with the development of a nanopharmaceutical formulation, it is first necessary to analyze the type of drug which is to be encapsulated, select the type matrix to load it (e.g., polymers, lipids, polysaccharides, proteins, metals), followed by the production procedure. Together these elements have to be compatible with the administration route. To be launched onto the market, the selected production method has to be scaled-up, and quality assurance implemented for the product to reach clinical trials, during which in vivo performance is evaluated. Regulatory issues concerning nanopharmaceutics still require expertise for harmonizing legislation and a clear understanding of clinically compliant production methods. The first part of this study addressing “Nanopharmaceutics: Part I—Clinical trials legislation and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) of nanotherapeutics in the EU” has been published in Pharmaceutics. This second part complements the study with the discussion about the production scales and clinically compliant production methods of nanopharmaceutics.


  • A number of emerging nanotechnologies are being exploited in medicine to improve the therapeutic outcome of several drugs and biomolecules and to address unmet medical needs

  • The production methods of nanopharmaceutics should ensure that the product has at least one dimTheenspiorondiunctthioennamneotshcoaldes—offronman1opnhanaormaetceeruttoic1s0s0hnoaunldomenetseurrse—tthoactothnfeoprmrodwuitcht hthaes daetflienaitsitoonne dim[9e,n12s]io. nRiengathrdeinnagnothsecabler—eakfrtohmrou1gnhantohmatentearntoom10a0tenriaanlsomreeptreersse—ntotocopnhfoarmawceituhtitchael dinefidnuisttiroyn, [t9h,e12]

  • Use, and compliance of pharmaceuticals reported in the area [98,99,100,101], as well as communication strategies and assessment [102], should be extended to nutraceuticals and carried out in view of exploiting the field to different health conditions, e.g., the ones clustered in the so-called “metabolic syndrome”, which includes conditions ranging from obesity to dysmetabolism [103,104,105]

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European Commission aims to lead innovation towards the development of these nanopharmaceutics by launching several. NNaannoommaatteerriiaallss 22002200,, 1100,, 4x5F5OR PEER REVIEW 22 ooff 1167. European Commission aims to lead innovation towards the development of these fnuanndoipnhgaorpmpaocretuntiictsiebsywliathuinncMhinemg bserveSrtatlefsu, nAdsisnogcioatpepdoCrtouunnitireiesswanitdhiTnhMirdemCobuerntSrtiaetse. TThhee sscciieennttiiffiicc ccaatteeggoorryy““PPhhaarrmmaaccoolologgyyPPhharamrmacayc”y”clcelaeralyrlydodmominianteastews iwthit3h1.3413.24%32f%ollfoowlloewd ebdy bthyeth“eN“aNnoasncoisecniceencNe aNnaonteocthecnhonloogloyg”yw” iwthith171.79.2952%5%. .RRegeugulaltaitnigngnnaannoopphhaarmrmaaceceuutitciscsisis aa cchhaalllleennggee ssiinnccee tthhee sseelleeccttiioonn ooff tthhee rreegguullaattoorryy ppaatthhwwaayy iiss ggoovveerrnneedd bbyy tthhee ccllaassssiifificcaattiioonn ooff tthhee pprroodduucctt wwhhiicchh iiss ddeefifinneedd bbyy iittss ttyyppee ooff aaccttiioonn [[11]]. IIff tthhee nnaannoopphhaarrmmaacceeuuttiiccaall pprroodduucctt iiss ddeeffiinneedd aass aa pprroodduucctt ffoorr aaddvvaanncceedd tthheerraappyy,,tthheepprroocceedduurreeooff mmaarrkkeettiinngg iinnttrroodduuccttiioonnaauutthhoorriizzaattiioonnsshhaallll bbee ssuubbmmiitttteedd tthhrroouugghh aa cceennttrraalliizzeedd pprroocceedduurree [[22,,33]]. TThhiiss iimmpplliieess hhaarrmmoonniizzaattiioonn aanndd,, tthhuuss,, ccoonnffiiddeennccee iinn tthhee qquuaalliittyy aanndd ssaaffeettyy ooff tthhee pprroodduuccttss. TToo mmeeaassuurree tthhee mmaattuurriittyy ooff tthhee ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff aa pprroodduucctt,, TTeecchhnnoollooggyy RReeaaddiinneessss LLeevveellss ((TTRRLL)) ccaann bbee uusseedd ((FFiigguurree 22)). TThhiiss ssyysstteemm eessttiimmaatteess tthhee ssttaaggee ooff tteecchhnniiccaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt bbaasseedd oonn qquuaalliittyy ppaarraammeetteerrssaannddisisrarannkkededininninnienelelveevles.lsT. Tahcteiopnrsodauftcetritshoeffiacpipalrloyvoanl. tThheemparorkdeutc[t7i,s8]o. fficially on the market [7,8]

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