
Nanoparticles play a pivotal role in forensic investigations, aiding in the analysis of minuscule evidence traces. Their diminutive size and expansive surface area bestow unparalleled advantages, particularly evident in the field of biosensors designed for the detection of substances such as methamphetamine, yet their use requires a careful approach to mitigate oxidative DNA damage. These nanoparticles possess optical, magnetic, and catalytic properties crucial for visualizing various trace evidence, including DNA, fibers, blood stains, and gunshot residues. They also support controlled drug delivery and stabilize forensic markers for volatile compounds in toxicology investigations. Overcoming challenges related to standardization, validation, ethics, and safety is vital. Establishing meticulous protocols for synthesis, characterization, and application ensures unwavering reliability. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the significance of incorporating nanoparticles and the latest breakthroughs in forensic science, aiming to bolster the pursuit of justice and broaden the horizons of forensic investigation.

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