
Metal-semiconductor nanocomposites have been utilized in a multitude of applications in a wide array of fields, prompting substantial interest from different scientific sectors. Of particular interest are semiconductors paired with plasmonic metals due to the unique optical properties that arise from the individual interactions of these materials with light and the intercomponent movement of charge carriers in their heterostructure. This review focuses on the pairing of Cu2O semiconductor with strongly plasmonic metals, particularly Au and Ag. The design and synthesis of Au-Cu2O and Ag-Cu2O nanostructures, along with ternary nanostructures composed of the three components, are described, with in-depth discussion on the synthesis techniques and tunable parameters. The effects of compositing on the optical and electronic properties of the nanocomposites in the context of photocatalysis are discussed as well. Concluding remarks and potential areas for exploration are presented in the last section.

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