
This activity aims to carry out the process of dissolving oxygen improved in a symbiotic mass culture media using nanobubble injectors conducted by the MINARI small business group under the supervision of Universitas Hasanuddin. Synbiotic is used by fish farmers, breeders, and farmers to enhance growth, immunity in fish and shrimp, and host resistance to pathogenic infections. Observations were made in January - August 2019. The results of the activity showed that Bacillus subtilis cultured was aerated using a nanobubble could increase double of dissolved oxygen concentration. Applying the nanobubble at culture media also increasing the growth of B. subtilis bacteria and speeding up harvest time of synbiotic. The nanobubble aeration technique could increase synbiotics production by 5 times. Increase synbiotic production causes the number of sales also increase and expanding the marketing area. Before using Nano Bubble Technology, this group only supplied 8 regencies-cities totalling 289 L synbiotics (January-April). After using nanobubble technology, production increased to 709 L and supplied 13 districts-cities (May-August). The three regions with the highest demand for synbiotics are Soppeng Regency (262 L), Palopo City (142 L), and Sidrap Regency (110 L).

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