
Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz Judith P. Hallett Quidam litterator ex Hiberis olim duos illustres Graecos poetas scaenicos, Sophoclen atque Euripiden,62 liberalissime laudavit, quod longe clarius opus eorum inlustraverunt.63 Haec progenies maximae in mundo urbis,64 haec femina non solum alacris et affabilis sed etiam litteratissima, omne corpus tragoediarum clarissime illuminavit, explicans quomodo mulieres dicerent et agerent. Amplexa sibi futuri curam65 apud academiam parientem multas Sapphica puellas Musa doctiores,66 est adepta gradum Baccalaureae Artis apud Collegium Urbis Novi Eboraci, sedem respiciendi adspiciendique prospiciendique.67 Adepta gradum Doctoris Philosophiae apud universitatem ubi scientia crescit et vita excolitur,68 in urbe ventosa, statim fiebat columen communitatis apud universitatem hortantem et praeceptores et praeceptos ut se scirent.69 Vindex iustitiae omnibus, societatem nostram locuplevit et munificum patronum nostrum beatae memoriae honoravit laboribus ingeniosis. Plaudamus igitur Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz. [End Page 478] An ancient Roman literary critic once praised the great Greek playwrights Sophocles and Euripides most generously, because they had shone a much more brilliant spotlight on their chosen genre. This native New Yorker, a woman not only energetic and outgoing but also of immense literary learning, has illuminated the entire corpus of Greek tragedies with exceptional brilliance, by analyzing and theorizing the words and actions of their female characters. One of the many accomplished and creatively inspirational Hunter College High School alumnae (and now alumni), she received her BA from the City College of New York. After earning her PhD from the University of Chicago, she joined the Hamilton College faculty, and immediately became the heart and soul of that college community. A champion of social justice, she has enriched our learned society, honoring the legacy of Jerry Clack by organizing lectures in his memory that entertain and instruct. Let us applaud Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz. [End Page 479] Judith P. Hallett University of Maryland, College Park Footnotes 62. Catullus 12. 14 nam sudaria Saetaba ex Hiberis; Catullus 14. 9 munus dat Sulla litterator. 63. Quintilian 10.1. 67 Sed longe clarius inlustraverunt hoc opus Sophocles et Euripides. 64. Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hunter College High School '98), "The Schuyler Sisters", Hamilton. Hamilton College was chartered in 1812 in honor of inaugural trustee Alexander Hamilton (1755–1804). 65. Mihi cura futuri, motto of Hunter College High School. Among its other graduates are Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, poet Audre Lord and classicists Alice Kober and Ann Raia. 66. Catullus 35.15–16 Sapphica puella, Musa doctior. 67. Respice, Adspice, Prospice, motto of the City College of New York. 68. Crescat scientia, vita excolatur, motto of the University of Chicago. 69. Gnothi Seauton =Know Thyself, motto of Hamilton College. Copyright © 2021 The Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Inc.

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