
The words denoting birds are an integral part of material and spiritual culture of any people. These words reflect processes associated with language contacts, as a result of which language is enriched. This article deals with zoomorphisms of the Altai language naming birds of prey. Zoo images of wild birds are one of the most widespread characteristics, since birds have always played a leading role in language and culture. The interaction of man and birds is reflected in language. A bird is an expression of freedom, soul separated from the body. Birds often became symbols of divinity, power, victory. In addition, in the Altai culture, birds (crows or vultures) are considered harbingers of diseases. However, birds are an auspicious sign. Another group of symbols is based on the idea that birds interact with divine realms, or deliver messages from there. We have analysed the most common zoomorphisms: мӱркӱт "golden eagle"; тейлеен~теелен~телген "kite"; шоҥкор “falcon”; and кускун "raven".

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