
Negram-Citrat (0.66 g nalidixic acid plus 4 g sodium citrate, NAC) twice daily for five days was evaluated in 257 women with symptoms of acute lower urinary tract infection and nalidixic acid sensitive bacteriuria. At two days post-treatment 85% of the patients were abacteriuric while nalidixic acid resistant Escherichia coli bacteriuria was present in five %. Side effects of NAC were usually mild and transient and resulted in interruption of medication in three % of the patients and visual disturbances were volunteered by 1.6%. At follow-up one month after treatment bacteriuria had recurred in 18% of the patients immediately cured, thus resulting in an overall success rate of 70%. Of the 35 recurring strains three (1 E. coli, 2 Staphylococcus epidermidis) were nalidixic acid resistant.

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