
The focus of the study in this paper is M. Quraish Shihab's thoughts in the field of inheritance law. M. Quraish Shihab's (hereinafter referred to as Shihab) thought deserves to be appointed as a target study in relation to his views on gender equality. In various published writings, especially in his book entitled "Women: from Love to Sex, from the Mut'ah Marriage to the Sunnah Marriage, from the Old Bias to the New Bias", it is very clear how Quraish tried to get out of the mainstream of "right" thinking. who want to lock up women in domestic sectors as well as "left" thinking that tends to go too far in understanding equality between men and women, in other words, Shihab is classified as a moderate thinker in the study of gender equality. That is the conclusion of several studies examining Shihab's thoughts.
 In contrast to these conclusions, this article concludes that Shihab can actually be classified as an eco-feminist who tries to maintain the status quo of gender inequality that is being sued by feminists. This can be seen very well in Shihab's rejection of feminist claims about equality in quantity in the distribution of inheritance between men and women, which in the sacred text is stated as two to one. For Shihab, the provisions in the distribution of inheritance are final because the details about the law of inheritance are closed with a firm statement "that is the limits of Allah" and a series of other arguments expressed by Shihab. This issue will be presented in the following descriptions so as to reinforce the above conclusions.

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