
The article systematizes information about the contribution of the Tatar writer Naki Isanbet to the development of Tatar handwritten literary journals. It is revealed that the writer published literary, satirical handwritten magazines during his studies at the madrasah ‟Khasaniya” (Ufa, 1909–1913), ‟Mukhammadiya” (Kazan, 1913–1916). A favorable environment for his work was created in the writer’s family. The magazines were published without the participation of the teachers of the madrasah ‟Khasaniya”. The administration of ‟Muhammadiyah” persecuted N. Isanbet for publishing a ‟literary, satirical and political magazine”. Shakird’s first journalistic experience in the Kazan madrasah pointed to the independence of his creative thought, contributed to the flourishing of his writing talent. In 1920, N. Isanbet published his works and translations in the handwritten literary journals of his like-minded friends in Ufa and Moscow, which allowed him to overcome regional limits in his work. In his pedagogical practice, N. Isanbet used handwritten editions to develop. In his pedagogical practice, N. Isanbet used handwritten publications to develop the abilities of creatively gifted schoolchildren, as one of the elements of socialization. N. Isanbet was not only the initiator of the release of classroom and school-wide handwritten journals at school and university, but also performed the duties of their editor with pleasure. The article analyzes the author’s student publications of N. Isanbet: the thematic range of materials is outlined, artistic features are revealed. It is proved that the writer used handwritten journals to form an autobiographical myth. With the development of N. Isanbet’s literary talent, the texts in his student publications get rid of imitation, obsessive didacticism, the ontological, love theme comes to replace the socio-accusatory theme. The collection of folklore leaves its imprint on the early work of the writer. N. Isanbet in handwritten journals always speaks on his own behalf or implies himself as an observer. The published materials indicate that the author was characterized by a romantic attitude.

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