
The standard three-resonance VMD model in a zero-width approximation with a strict Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka rule consideration is used to parametrize Dirac and Pauli electromagnetic (EM) form factors (FF's) of octet baryons. Vector meson and baryon masses are fixed at the world averaged values. Vector meson-nucleon coupling constants are determined by requiring only the normalization of the nucleon EM FF's. Vector meson-hyperon coupling constants are evaluated from the latter by utilizing relations following from the SU(3) invariant Lagrangian for the vector meson-baryon-antibaryon vertex. As a result, a uniform approach to a description of the EM structure of all members of octet baryons without the use of any experimental point on baryon EM FF's is constructed. In view of the simplicity of the model the obtained results on mean-square electric and magnetic radii of baryons are quite encouraging.

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