
Japan Table Tennis Association (JTTA) president Gotō Kōji visited Beijing and worked out the terms for China’s participation in the thirty-first World Table Tennis Championships in Nagoya, March 28–April 7, 1971 (the “Nagoya World’s”), and signed the Outline of the Meeting with the China Table Tennis Association (CTTA) officials on February 1, 1971. Then, Gotō went directly to Singapore and submitted a motion to remove Taiwan from the Table Tennis Federation of Asia (TTFA) at the cost of his presidency of the federation. The Chinese delegation to the Nagoya World’s—China’s first overseas sports delegation since the Cultural Revolution—was scheduled to depart for Japan on March 17. Nevertheless, things were not yet settled for China. The Chinese delegation faced further “impediments” to its participation in the Nagoya World’s.KeywordsCultural RevolutionTable TennisChinese OfficialAmerican PlayerChinese DelegationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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