
The exothermic reduction of oxides mixture (MoO3+2SiO2) by magnesium in NaF melt enables the synthesis of nanocrystalline MoSi2 powders in near-quantitative yields. The combustion wave with temperature of about 1000–1200°C was recorded in highly diluted by NaF starting mixtures. The by-products of combustion reaction (NaF and MgO) were subsequently removed by leaching with acid and washing with water. The as-prepared MoSi2 nanopowder composed of spherical and dendritic shape particles was consolidated using the spark plasma sintering method at 1200–1500°C and 50MPa for 10min. The result was dense compacts (98.6% theoretical density) possessing submicron grains and exhibiting hardness of 8.74–12.92GPa.

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