
All social, political and economical progress that was made in the end of 19th century and beginning оf 20th century had a really strong consecuensed a wide reforms of processes of criminal law and criminal proceedings law by a legislation of Republic of Serbia, which showed uneficcience, inert and uneffective plan of crime prevention in practice. Practical analysis proved that it's necessary to make structural changes to pervious criminal procedure, first through the changed act of a public prosecutor, than in aplyying a simplified form of actions in his criminal cases. Effective fight against criminal, which has showing a constant trend of growth, always requiered quick, adequate and contemporary procedure and trial in short time. That was the interest of a whole society, and a defendant too. In that circumstances, principle of opportunity hac become a important instrument that requieres eficient procedure of minor crimes. Ratio legis and criminal political justification of the introduction of this principle in the criminal law of Republic of Serbia, reflected first throuht relief of courts, reduction of the number of cases and rationalization of criminal law. In this way, Republic of Serbia was followed aplyed trends of European comparative legislation, creating conditions for a new aproach of a criminal procedure in threating perpetrators of a minor crimes. The point was in a efficient, effective, and deformalised crime procedures.


  • Reform interventions in the criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Serbia had the primary point to establishing simplified, practically effective criminal proceedings that provide an adequate social response to crime

  • It is a deviation from the principle of legality, the opportunity in modern criminal proceedings is a very important instrument of simplified procedural forms by which minor crimes are resolved in the zone of the actions of the public prosecutor and not the court

  • This is in agreement with the Recommendations of the EU Council of Ministers, which suggest simplification, diversionary forms of criminal procedure in the state response to crime and the installation of a new role of public prosecutor, all with the primary goal of ensuring the efficiency of criminal proceedings and criminal justice

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Уводна разматрања

Бориша Лечић, Начело опортунитета кривичног гоњења – правно теоријски аспект тављање поједностављених, практично ефективних форми поступања којима се обезбеђује адекватна друштвена реакција на криминалитет. Због тога се у једном делу теорије француског процесног законодавства сматра да је принцип опортунитета бољи и ефектнији у односу на начело легалитета јер се тиме избегава гоњење кривичних дела која несумњиво представљају незнатну друштвену опасност. Оспоравају га и демантују морално етички разлози правичности и уставне једнакости тиме што не могу постојати грађани који су због извршеног кривичног дела подвргнути кривичном законику и грађани који су изузети од његове примене. Контролни механизам и ограничење његове примене у сваком случају треба да буде начело легалитета кривичног гоњења и општа сврха свих кривичних санкција

Правни основ начела опортунитета
Закључна разматрања
Legal basis of oportunity principle
Concluding remarks
Full Text
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