
McRoberts (1992, figs. 4.13, 4.14, 6.8) illustrated the shell microstructure of late Triassic Gryphaea (Gryphaea) arcuataeformis Kiparisova, 1936, and Gryphaea (Gryphaea) nevadensis McRoberts, 1992. McRoberts (1992, p. 33) described the left valve of G. arcuataeformis as showing “neomorphosed calcite with multiple laminae of ?prismatic structure perpendicular to [the] outer shell surface ….” He described the left valve of G. nevadensis as consisting of two distinct layers of neomorphosed calcite:“…an outer layer with ?prismatic structure occasionally with bands of dark material (?micritic matrix), and a much thinner inner layer with ?cross-foliated structure ….” Subsequent study has shown these microstructural diagnoses to be inaccurate. They are revised as follows.

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