
Color centers in diamond are at the forefront of the second quantum revolution. A handful of defects are in use, and finding ones with all the desired properties for quantum applications is arduous. By using high-throughput calculations, we screen 21,607 defects in diamond and collect the results in the ADAQ database. Upon exploring this database, we find not only the known defects but also several unexplored defects. Specifically, defects containing sodium stand out as particularly relevant because of their high spins and predicted improved optical properties compared to the NV center. Hence, we studied these in detail, employing high-accuracy theoretical calculations. The single sodium substitutional (NaC) has various charge states with spin ranging from 0.5 to 1.5, ZPL in the near-infrared, and a high Debye-Waller factor, making it ideal for biological quantum applications. The sodium vacancy (NaV) has a ZPL in the visible region and a potential rare spin-2 ground state. Our results show sodium implantation yields many interesting spin defects that are valuable additions to the arsenal of point defects in diamond studied for quantum applications.

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