
Quince ( Cydonia oblonga Mill.) cvs. Ekmek, Esme, Limon, Ege 2, Ege 22, Ege 25 and Quince-A rootstock pollens were collected in April from the unopened pink balloon-stage flowers on mature trees. The pollen amount was between 20063 pollen/flower (‘Ege 25’) and 11906 pollen/flower (‘Limon’) with hemacytometer. The lowest and highest pollen viability were determined from 79.8 (Quince A in day 14) to 97.8% (‘Ege 2’ in day 0) by IKI. The germination rates in different sucrose and boric acid concentrations in 1% agar changed from 0 (‘Limon’ in 0% sucrose) to 91.7% (‘Ege 2’ in 20% sucrose) and from 32.7 (Quince A in 0 mg/L boric acid) to 94.9% (‘Ege 22’ in 100 mg/L boric acid), respectively. Key words: Cydonia oblonga, pollen, viability, germination.

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