
A group of 208 antenatal women at a primary health care clinic in Bloemfontein was selected for the study. Fundal height was determined by measuring the height of the fundus as well as using the uterine fundus height in relation to weeks method. The above-mentioned methods were compared with a sonar date to determine whether a specific method is more accurate in a specific stage of pregnancy. It seems as if measuring of the height of the fundus is more accurate in the second trimester. In the third trimester of pregnancy a tendency exists for both the uterine fundus height in relation to weeks method and measuring of the height of the fundus to be accurate until the 36th week of pregnancy. After the 36th week of pregnancy the uterine fundus height in relation to weeks method seems to be more accurate.


  • A group of 208 antenatal women at a primary health care clinic in Bloemfontein was selected for the study

  • Aangesien primeregesondheidsorgdienste verskillende metodes en tegnieke gebruik en nie almal sonar tot hul beskikking het nie, het die vraag onstaan of die abdominale-weke-indelingmetode en die simfise-fundus-hoogte-meting-metode ewe akkuraat op enige gegewe tydstip in swangerskap en/of intra­ partum is

  • As die derde trimester in twee verdeel word, kan die sim fise-fundus-hoogte-m eting-m etode sowel as die abdom inale-w eke-indeling-m etode tot op 36 weke swangerskapsduur gebruik word om swangerskapsduur te bereken

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Inleiding en probleemstelling

Die akkurate berekening van swangerskapsduur is een van die belangrikste faktore in die versekering van effektiewe voorgeboortesorg. Hoe-risiko-pasiente, insluitend pasiente met intra-uteriene-groeivertraging, polihidramnios, oligohidramnios en meervoudige swangerskappe, kan vroegtydig deur middel van die akkurate berekening van sw angerskapsduur gei'dentifiseer en behandel word. Swangerskapsduur kan deur middel van verskillende metodes bereken word.

Volgens die dag van konsepsie
Volgens fundale hoogte
Doel van die studie
Nadat afdaling van die voorliggende deel van die fe
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