
Organized crime is one of the biggest problems of today’s states, with levels steadily increasing and engulfing more and more countries. Such crime is different from crimes that are committed unorganized or alone by their extreme danger to society. Organized crime influences important political and social processes in the state, interferes with the work of public authorities, which damages the efficiency of these bodies and reduces the level of trust in the state apparatus.
 In general, it can be argued that regardless of the specialization of criminal groups, organized crime is the most dangerous and complex anti-social phenomenon, it has no boundaries, and members of such a criminal group are located in different corners of the world and in the development of telecommunication, computer technologies, combating Organized crime requires new techniques
 In order to improve the fight against organized crime, Spain updates its legislation every year. This is due to the fact that criminal organizations are coming up with new methods and ways of carrying out their activities and pursuing their interests. Because of this, some old mafia techniques are simply not effective.
 The strategy has main objectives, it is the delimitation of criminal structures; reducing their activity; preventing the emergence of new criminal groups; reducing the impact on the public; counteracting the growing link between terrorism and organized crime. To do this, the strategy is built around ten lines of activity, seven vertical lines and three horizontal lines that intersect them. This strategy also notes for each area certain actions that will be a very useful tool for all public authorities aimed at ensuring the security of the country. The article analyzes the legislation of Spain in the field of combating organized crime, which highlights the main innovations in this legislation, which increase the efficiency of the work of public authorities in the fight against organized crime. The new strategy for the fight against organized crime is described, its main goals and directions of improvement are investigated. The peculiarities of combating organized crime in Spain, as well as the formulation of proposals for improvement of domestic legislation in the above, were investigated on the basis of the analysis of relevant legal acts.


  • The article analyzes elements of the crime covered by the Article 332-2 of the Criminal Code

  • It has been established that the procedure for crossing the State Border

  • of Ukraine may manifest itself in several forms

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ЩОДО СТРАТЕГІЇ БОРОТЬБИ З ОРГАНІЗОВАНОЮ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ УКРАЇНИ ТА ІСПАНІЇ) Оскільки організована злочинність постійно та динамічно трансформується, змінюються та удосконалюються способи і методи вчинення кримінальних правопорушень, спостерігається активне використання мережі Інтернет під час скоєння «традиційної» злочинної діяльності та злочинів у сфері високих технологій, то важливе місце у протидії злочинності посідає профілактика злочинної поведінки та діяльності, практичне впровадження нових критеріїв оцінки діяльності правоохоронних органів – суб’єктів боротьби з організованою злочинністю.

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