
A new chapter in the relationship between French Protestants and South Africa: The Colloque l’Afrique du Sud en transition, Paris, 15–16 January, 1993Early in 1993 an important colloquium, called together by the Federation of Protestants in France, (FPF) in conjunction with DEFAP, the missionary secretariate of the FPF, on South Africa in transition, was held in Paris. The colloquium had a fourfold purpose: to inform the French public on recent developments in South Africa; to explain the difficult problems awaiting solutions in that country; to rebuild contact between churches in South Africa and France; and to identify lessons France, as well as the wider world, may learn from the South African experience. Speakers from both South Africa and France were invited to address the colloquium. In the article some of the views expressed at the colloquium are summarised and evaluated. In an introductory paragraph the role and the influence of Protestants in France today are briefly touched upon.


  • In 1993 an important colloquium, called together by the Federation o f Protestants in France, (FPF) in conjunction with DEFAP, the missionary secretariate o f the FPF, on South A frica in transition, was held in Paris

  • In the article som e o f the views expressed at the colloquium are sum m arised and evaluated

  • T een die m ure het vergulde skilderye van die groot m anne gehang, die eerste vaders van die genootskap: onder hulle Eugene Casalis, die pionier van die w erk in L esotho en Francois C oillard wat vanuit L esotho na die Banjai en die B arotse in die huidige Zim babw e en Z am bië gereis het

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In 1993 an important colloquium, called together by the Federation o f Protestants in France, (FPF) in conjunction with DEFAP, the missionary secretariate o f the FPF, on South A frica in transition, was held in Paris. Die president van die Fédération protestante de France, die organisasie wat saam m et die sendingarm van die Franse kerke, die sogenaam de Département Evangélique Francois d ’A ctio n A p o stoliq u e (DEFAP ), vir die byeen ro e p van die colloquium verantw oordelik was, P asteur Jacques Stew art, het in sy openingsw oord die vierledige doel van die byeenkom s verduidelik: E erstens, het hy gesê, was dit hoogs nodig dat F ranse in die algem een m eer van Suid-A frika, van die transformasie w at d aar in die land afspeel, te w ete m oet kom.


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