
Peptide fragmentations into b- and y-type ions are useful for the identification of proteins. The b ion, having the structure of a N-protonated oxazolone, dissociates to the a-type ion with loss of CO. This CO-loss process affords the possibility of characterizing the temperature of the b ion. Herein, we used N-acylated dipeptide tags, isobaric tags originally developed for protein quantification, as internal standards for the measurement of the ion temperature in peptide fragmentation. Amine-reactive dipeptide tags were attached to the N-termini of sample peptides. Collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the tagged peptides yielded a b-type quantitation signal (b(S)) from the tag, which subsequently dissociated into the a(S) ion with CO-loss. As the length of alkyl side chain on the dipeptide tag was extended from C(1) to C(8), the yield of a(S) ion gradually increased for the 4-alkyl-substituted oxazolone ion but decreased for the 2-alkyl-substituted one. To gain insights into the unimolecular dissociation kinetics, we obtained the potential energy surface from ab initio calculations. Theoretical study suggested that the 4-alkyl substitution on N-protonated oxazolone decreased the enthalpy of activation by stabilizing the productlike transition state, whereas the 2-alkyl substitution increased it by stabilizing the reactant. Resulting potential energy surfaces were used to calculate the microcanonical and canonical rate constants as well as the a(S)-ion yield. Arrhenius plots of canonical rate constants provided activation energies and pre-exponential factors for the CO-loss processes in the 600-800 K range. Comparison of experimental a(S)-ion yields with theoretical values led to precise determination of the temperature of b(S) ion. Thus, the b(S)-ion temperature of tagged peptide can be measured simply by combining kinetic parameters provided here and a(S)-ion yields obtained experimentally. Although the b-type fragment patterns varied with the chain length and position of alkyl substituent on the N-protonated oxazolone, the y-type fragment patterns were almost identical under these conditions. Furthermore, b(S)-ion temperatures were nearly the same with only a few degrees K difference. Our results demonstrate a novel use of N-acylated dipeptide tags as internal temperature standards, which enables the reproducible acquisition of peptide fragment spectra.

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