
In 1966, Johnson and Helwig called attention to a solitary cutaneous lesion thatthey termed “cutaneous focal micinosis”. These lesions occurred on the skin of the face, trunk, or extremities as nodules or dome-shaped elevations. They were characterized histologically by a mucinous accumulation interspersed with spindle-shaped fibroblastsSimilar lesions occurring in oral soft tissue were designanted as oral focal mucinosis by Tomich in 1974. Oral focal mucinosis and myxoma of the oral soft tissue were differentiated by the presence of reticulin fibers and a distinct border with the surrounding connective tissue.A 70-year-old man visited our clinic after noticing swelling of his buccal mucosa. The lesion was the same color as the surrounding mucosa. The resected lesion measured 15×15×10mm, and its sectioned surface Was smooth and grayish-white in color. Routine histochemical observation of paraffin-embedded tissue sections led to a diagnosis of oral focal mucinosis.

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