
在役水闸运行多年,在外界自然条件和人为因素的长期作用下,建筑物存在严重的安全隐患。为了水闸的安全运行,有必要对病险水闸进行除险加固。本文根据沭新闸工程的实际状况,拟定不同加固设计方案,借助三维有限元软件ABAQUS对不同加固方案闸室结构的应力场进行分析,验证加固方案的合理性,分析结果表明,反拱底板的填平、加撑梁等加固措施能大大降低闸室结构的拉、压应力,对水闸的安全有着重要的作用。 Since sluices in service have been running for many years, affected by the natural conditions and human factors for a long term, there are serious security problems hidden in the buildings. It is necessary to put forward reinforcement schemes for diseased sluices in order to maintain the safe operation. According to the actual condition of Shuxin Sluice, different reinforcement schemes are formulated. Different reinforcement schemes of lock chamber structure stress field are analyzed by three-dimensional finite element software ABAQUS for verifying the rationality of the reinforcement schemes. The analysis results show that these reinforcement measures, like anti-arch filled, seismic brace beam, could reduce the tensile and compressive stress of the chamber structure greatly and have an important role on its safety.

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