
1. It may be said that no feed should be given, “in such a small amount as to cause the presence of ketones in the urine or in such a large amount as to incur the presence of indican in the urine.” It was impossible to determine accurately the limit of feeding from the results obtained from this survey. However, so far as the limit of feeding is concerned, it is considered with a common-sense view that both DCP and TDN may be in the neighborhood of 1.1 to 1.2 according to MORIMOTO's provisional method for the calculatictn of NRC feed. In addition, enlightenment and extension work is needed for the correction of a habitual way of feeding high-protein ration by the maintenance of supply of carbohydrates of superior quality.2. It should be recommended to give silage and other fermented feed as source of supply of roughage during the winter. The veterinarian and the animal husbandman are expected to study in more detail the method of preparation and storage of such feed and to extend adequate guidance to this effect to the farmer.

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