
Objective. Detached house LCA Analysis from cradle to grave by Process Analysis Method is scarce. Because huge amount of inventory data related to resources and parts are required and the background data are not enough to link with the foreground data. The purpose of this study, that was performed as a case study of the second LCA Project by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization), is to collect inventory data of a detached wooden house in detail with the LCI analysis by Process Analysis Method, and to estimate the global warming impact of the detached house through its life cycle. The influence of the energy saving performance and disposal scenarios are also examined. Results and Discussion. This analysis made the following facts clear. In construction stage, the highest energy performance house emits largest amount of CO2 because of using the most efficient insulator and double glazing fittings. But, in several years after construction, power saving effect of air conditioning recovers negative effect of construction stage. Living stage emits largest amount of GHG (CO2eq.) among construction, maintenance, living and disposal stage. In the disposal scenarios, if materials are recycled as much as possible, the subtraction effect lowers the life cycle global warming impact.Conclusions. The LCI analysis of the detached house through its life cycle by Process Analysis Method was performed and the global warming impact was estimated. The influence of the energy saving performance and disposal scenarios are also examined. The results of this study will make it possible to research on insulation effect of houses in cold region or the effect of life-time on the environmental load and many other subjects. However, to achieve those studies it is essential to enrich the background data.

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