
In earlier time, rural area used to be rich in flora and fauna. Nowadays, this bio-diversity aspect of environment has been greatly affected by the transformation of rural landscape due to the implementation of various land consolidation programs. The land consolidation programs are mainly aimed for the land and labor efficiency but lacking in considering the ecological aspect. This research is mainly focused on the rural environment. It is based on the fact that an appropriate ‘Biotope’ can be preserved if the linkage between the biota and landscape is grasped thoroughly. To study the relation of Dragonfly with the topography, plant and land-use system, a field survey was carried out for a period of five months (July-November, 1998) in the West Kinugawa river of Yagawa river basin in Tochigi Pref.From this study, it is understood that there is close relationship between the species and appearance of the Dragonfly with the space unit. The Dragonfly is also influenced from the stages of plant transition. From this it can be said that to preserve the habitat in the rural areas, it is necessary to adopt some methods to control the plant transformation.

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