
随着《中华人民共和国海岛保护法》颁布,关于无居民海岛的经营性开发利用的话题逐渐升温。但由于《海岛保护法》以及关于无居民海岛开发利用的一些行政规章实施时间较短,还存在配套不齐全、规定不完善、体系不严密等诸多问题,造成理解和操作上的障碍。本文试图通过对现有的无居民海岛法律规范的梳理和解读,并结合对无居民海岛的概念、所有权和使用权等相关法律制度的论述,厘清无居民海岛经营性开发利用的相关内容和具体步骤,为无居民海岛的开发利用的实务提供一些借鉴。本文共由六章组成,第二章“无居民海岛概述”,主要是明确无居民海岛的基本概念和法律特征,介绍我国无居民海岛分布的相关地理信息;第三章“我国和国外无居民海岛法律制度介绍”,从我国建国以来关于无居民海岛的立法情况,概括我国无居民海岛法制建设发展的几个阶段,同时对其他国家和地区无居民海岛法律制度进行了简单介绍,扩展对无居民海岛法律制度的认知视野,为我国无居民海岛的法制建设理论和实践提供借鉴;第四章“我国无居民海岛经营性开发立法现状分析”,阐述我国无居民海岛所有权、使用权制度的法律渊源,并通过对我国当前涉及无居民海岛法律规范的解读,对无居民海岛开发利用的方式、经营性开发使用权的取得、经营性开发活动的管理以及使用权的流转等法律制度进行系统的介绍,旨在为相关主体参与无居民海岛经营性开发提供法律指导;第五章“我国无居民海岛经营性开发法律制度的完善”,主要是针对我国关于无居民海岛相关法律规定不明确、配套不齐全、操作性不强的现状,对亟待完善的一些制度,提出建设性的意见。 The topic of commercial development of uninhabited islands was heating up with the Island Pro-tection Law of People’s Republic of China enacted. However, as the Island Protection Law and re-levant administrative regulations have not put into practice for a long time, the legal regulations are far away from perfect, which lead to some difficulties in understanding and operation. This paper tries to clarify the concrete steps on the commercial development of uninhabited islands and provide some reference for the practice by combing out and interpreting the existing legislation, and combining the relevant expositions on legal system of the concept, ownership and the use of uninhabited islands. This paper contains six chapters, Chapter 2 “Overview of Uninhabited Island” clarifies the basic concept and legal features of uninhabited island, and introduces the geographical information of the distribution of the uninhabited islands in China; Chapter 3 “Establishment and Development of Uninhabited Island Legal System” mainly addresses the sources of law of the ownership and use right of uninhabited island, and introduces the development of Chinese legal system and foreign legislation of uninhabited island; Chapter 4 “Analysis of the State of the Legislation on Commercial Development of Uninhabited Islands in China” systematically introduces legal system on the development method of uninhabited islands, acquisition of use right on commercial development, management of activities of commercial development and transference of use right of uninhabited islands by analyzing the laws and regulations of uninhabited islands in China, in order to provide legal guidance for relevant participants when they commercially develop uninhabited islands; Chapter 5 “Improvement of Legal System on Commercial Development of Uninhabited Islands in China” makes recommendations on the system which should be improved urgently by centering on ambiguity, incomplete and unpractical legal system on uninhabited islands.

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