
A discrete vortex method was applied to the flow around a circular cylinder. The magnitudes of the vortices are decided under the condition that the flow velocity vanishes on the cylinder surface (non-slip boundary condition) and the flow is irrotational as a whole in this method.The computation was conducted on an IBM 308lK computer and the output data were stored in a floppy disk. The computed results were graphically shown on the CRT display of a personal computer which obtains and arranges the data from the floppy disk. A NEC PC980lVM2 personal computer was able to display 50 frames in 7 colors with 60 to 700 vortices in 2 min., approximately.The results show that a pair of vortices is generated after the impulsive start of the flow and afterward it is deformed to cause the Karman vortex street. It can be concluded that the personal computer is useful enough as an intelligent color graphic terminal through this study.

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