
The Osaka Steel Manufacturing Company was reorganized in 1937 from the former Takaishi Rolling Mill established in 1921. After the war, improvement of the ro1ling mill was undertaken, and a small size semi-continuous type of ro11ing mill was completed in 1947 at the present Amagasaki plant.This impfoved rolling mill is able to produce small section round bars as we1l as deformed bars with a capacity of 7, 500 tons permonth.In 1951, a new rolling mill that produces small section bars and wire-ods was completed at the Kyobashi plant.The time required for the resetting of this mill from bars to wirerods and vice versa is only a couple of hours.Thus it is featured for its high maneuverbility in meeting the demands to produce various types of products with a capability of 12, 000 tons per month both for bars and wire-rods.The pos-war rationalization trend in the iron products in Japan as well as in other countries had little attention in the field of medium size products, and therefore an attempt to construct an all-continuous medium size mill had bee planned, which resulted in the completion of the first of its kind in Japan after one year of endeavor in 1955 at the Kyobashi plant.With this mi11, it is possible to roll angles and shapes of various medium sizes from 3"up to 8"with a monthly capacity of 15, 000 tons.We are proud toanounce the new born continuous mi11, highly efficient in its rolling operation and superior in its labor productivity.

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