
(1) The physiological and morphological observations on the spore germination and the protonematal growth in Bryum pseudo-triquetrum were performed under controlled conditions.(2) The prostrate protonematal system as well as its erect aerial filaments showed a widely divergent morphology between typical chloronema and primary rhizoid. Some of the filaments grew plagiogeotropically and their physiological dorsiventrality was found by the mode of branching.(3) The sporeling could normally develop on media containing Ca(NO3)2, K2HPO4 and MgSO4. The optimal concentrations of each salt for both the germination and the growth, when examined by the system where other minerals besides the subjected one were fixed in a certain level, were determined to be 5×10-3, 1-5×10-3 and 1×10-3M, respectively (the standard medium). The additional applications of (NH4)2SO4, H3BO3 and FeCl3 to the standard medium had no effects.(4) IAA at 10-2-1ppm promoted the growth, whereas gibberellin was rather inhibitory at 10-3ppm or more.(5) The initial pH of the media favored the growth and the germination existed at the range between 5 and 9. The growth was better in alkaline range than acidic.(6) The optimal temperature for the germination and the growth existed between 21°and 25°.(7) The light needed for the germination and the growth were saturated at the range higher than 480Lux. The critical day length for the germination of the spores collected in 1965 laid in about four hours.(8) The spores maintained their germinating ability for nearly three years. Fig. 8. Depression of germinating ability of spores with time. Each circle shows the germinating rate of spores from one capsule.

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