
The forcing of the second-order zonally-averaged wind and temperature fields due to the quasiresonant growth of planetary waves in a two-layer model is considered. Dissipation in the form of linear drag and Newtonian cooling is allowed for. Calculations are made in a mid-latitude β-plane channel bounded by two vertical walls. The linear or first order solution is constrained so as to not transport momentum meridionally. Three neutral modes in the adiabatic two layer model are brought to resonance separately by adjusting the basic zonal flow configuration. For a dissipation time scale of 2 days, the quasi-resonant enhancement of the response is negligible. A time scale of 4 days is used.For resonance involving the two layer equivalent of the Rossby wave, the strong westerly zonal flow configuration causes most of the second order effects to be confined to the lowest few scale heights, where a slow easterly acceleration of the zonal flow occurs.A second resonance associated with weak westerlies surmounted by moderate westerlies leads to a very rapid high level easterly acceleration lasting about two weeks. A final resonant wind configuration with easterlies above westerlies is associated with very rapid temperature rises near the pole.Calculations suggest that the quasi-resonant enhancement of the planetary wave-zone flow interaction resulting from certain basic flow configurations might be the explanation of the stratospheric warming.It is hypothesized that the timing of warmings is determined by how well tuned the zonal flow structure is in the sense that appreciable secondorder effects will result in response to small influxes of planetary-wave energy from below. Furthermore, it is suggested that the subsequent evolution of a warming into a full scale warming depends on the ability of the zonal flow configuration to evolve through a series of tuned or resonant states.

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