
1. An investigation of 16 beech trees (Fagus crenata BLUME.) in the forest of Mt. Kammuri, located in the western part of Hiroshima Prefecture, was conducted to determine the vertical distribution of epiphytic bryophytes.2. All species taken up in the investigation of the mountain-ridge are grouped into four distributional types: the groups of species showing their maximum flourishing (1) at the trunk base, (2) at the trunk, (3) at the upper trunk and crown base, (4) at the upper crown.3. It recognized that the epiphytic bryophyte communities show a substantial tendency of the zonation in the vertical distribution observed in the supporting-trees.4. There are some remarkable differences in the state of zonal arrangement between the mountain-ridge and the mountain-side. The comparative summarization of the zonal arrangement in each place is shown in Table 4.5. It seems to be that differences in the state of zonal arrangement between the two places are mainly due to the difference of climatic factors brought by topographical conditions.

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