
以俄罗斯东部地区为对象,结合PES和PSR模型分别构建其城镇化和生态环境的评价指标体系,结合熵值赋权、变异系数赋权的综合确权法测算城镇化和生态环境的发展水平,利用耦合协调度模型探讨二者协调发展程度,划分其阶段类型。研究表明:2005-2018年,(1)俄东部城镇化发展水平呈上升趋势,经济城镇化的贡献份额最大;生态环境发展水平呈小幅下降态势,生态环境压力的影响作用最大;二者的耦合协调度呈增长趋势,但整体处于基本不协调阶段,其内部由城镇化滞后转变为系统均衡发展。(2)西伯利亚联邦区的城镇化发展水平高于远东联邦区,二联邦区生态环境发展水平差距较小,西伯利亚区协调发展程度略强于远东区;西伯利亚区内部由城镇化滞后→系统均衡发展,远东区内部始终为城镇化滞后。多数联邦主体处于基本不协调阶段、高级协调的数量最少。(3)空间上,城镇化、生态环境、二者协调发展度均呈"西高东低"的格局特征,核心高值区分布在新西伯利亚州-阿尔泰边疆区-克麦罗沃州-克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区-伊尔库茨克州的串联区,边缘低值区位于阿尔泰共和国和楚科奇自治区。最后探讨了促进俄东部城镇化和生态环境协调发展的具体对策。;Under the background of the Belt and Road and the economic corridor of China, Mongolia and Russia initiatives, this paper studied the urbanization development level, eco-environment development level, the coupling coordinated development degree between urbanization and eco-environment, and their spatial differentiation of the eastern Russia. Combining with the Population-Economic-Sociology model and Pressure-State-Response model, the paper first built two index systems of urbanization and eco-environment. Then based on the comprehensive weighting method of entropy weight and variation coefficient weight, we calculated the urbanization development level with regard to the population urbanization, economic urbanization and social urbanization, and the eco-environment development level with regard to the eco-environment pressure, eco-environment state, eco-environment response during 2005-2018. Next, the coupling coordinated development degree of the urbanization and eco-environment development level was measured by the coupling coordination degree model during 2005-2018. Finally, the spatial differentiation of the urbanization development levels, the eco-environment development levels, and their coupling coordinated development degree were performed respectively by using ArcGIS. The results were as follows. (1) The economic urbanization and eco-environment pressure were the main factors that affected the urbanization development and eco-environment development, respectively. The comprehensive urbanization development level, the coupling coordination degree between urbanization and eco-environment of eastern Russia had increased from 2005 to 2018. The comprehensive eco-environment development level had decreased from 2005 to 2018. However, they were still in the uncoordinated stage, and their internal development showed the changes from the urbanization lagging to the balanced development. (2) From 2005 to 2018, the urbanization development level, the coupling coordination degree between urbanization and eco-environment of the Siberian Federal District were higher than that of the Far East Federal District. The eco-environment development level in Siberian Federal District was roughly balanced to that in the Far East Federal District. Most of the federal subjects were in the uncoordinated stage. (3) The urbanization development level, the eco-environment development level, and their coupling coordinated development degree were all spatially imbalanced in the eastern Russia. They showed the High in West, Low in East spatial pattern, which in generally displayed the tendency of space attenuation from the west to east. The areas with high levels were concentrated in the Novosibirsk Region, Altay Territory, Kemerovo Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, and Irkutsk Region. The areas with low ones were mostly in the Republic of Altay and Chukotka Autonomous Area. Finally, we suggested policies and strategies that could boost the coordinated development of urbanization and ecological environment in eastern Russia.

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