
在覆膜滴灌条件下,研究了氮磷钾肥的不同配施对加工番茄的肥料效应的研究。结果表明:1) T3(N 300 kg•hm−2 P2O5 210 kg•hm−2 K2O 150 kg•hm−2)、T5(N 300 kg•hm−2 P2O5 105 kg•hm−2 K2O 75 kg•hm−2)、的肥料配比及施用量适合于加工番茄的高产,产量分别达到111,360 kg•hm−2, 111,450 kg•hm−2,但从经济效益分析T5的经济效益最好,每公顷比对照CK(N 0 kg•hm−2 P2O5 0 kg•hm−2 K2O 0 kg•hm−2)净增收2487元。2) 番茄红素含量与钾肥的相关性较高,T4(N 450 kg•hm−2 P2O5 310 kg•hm−2 K2O 225 kg•hm−2)的番茄红素含量最高为126.8 mg• kg−1、CK最低为89.7 mg• kg−1;氮肥和钾肥对可滴定酸的影响高于磷肥;可溶性总糖含量与施N量相关性较高,相关系数达到0.986,T4的含糖量最高为23.3 mg•kg−1,CK最低为18.6 mg•kg−1。In this paper, the effects of NPK matches on the yield of processing tomato were studied under Plastic Mulched Drip Irrigation. The result indicated that 1) The matches of T3 (N 300 kg•hm−2 P2O5 210 kg•hm−2 K2O 150 kg•hm−2), T5 (N 300 kg•hm−2 P2O5 105 kg•hm−2 K2O 75 kg•hm−2) were able to increase yield greatly, which reached 111,360 kg•hm−2, 111,450 kg•hm−2 respectively. But from the aspect of economic benefit, T5 (N 0 kg•hm−2 P2O5 0 kg•hm−2 K2O 0 kg•hm−2) in contrast to CK has the best economic benefit with pure income of 2487 yuan ha−1; 2) The correlation between K and lycopene is quietly close. The highest Lycopene content of T4 (N 450 kg•hm−2 P2O5 310 kg•hm−2 K2O 225 kg•hm−2) is 126.8 mg•kg−1. The minimum of CK is 89.7 mg•kg−1. Influence of N, K on titrable acidity concentration is more obvious than phosphatic fertilizer. The total content of soluble sugar has high correlation with N. The correlation coefficient is 0.986. The highest sugar content of T4 is 23.3 mg•kg−1. The minimum of CK is 18.6mg•kg−1.

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