
通过杨树虫害普查,发现为害较严重的舟蛾虫害有杨扇舟蛾、杨小舟蛾、杨二尾舟蛾、栎掌舟蛾、分月扇舟蛾5种。在此基础上,对全市杨树舟蛾虫类为害特点和发生规律进行了详细调查,研究舟蛾类主要害虫生活习性和规律,取食特点,4种药剂筛选试验以及综合防治方法。 According to the poplar pests survey, it is found that more serious diseases were caused by 5 kinds of Notodontidae such as Clostera anachoreta, Micromelalopha troglodyta graeser, Cerura menciana moore, Phalera assimilis and Clostera anastomosis. Based on the above finding, the symptoms and encroaching regu-lation law of Notodontidae on Poplar were investigated. The purpose is to research the life history of Noto-dontidae Pests, encroaching regulation law and the comprehensive means of prevention and management for diseases occurring by selection experiments of 4 kinds of fungicides.

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