
An estimation method for the weight of netting was proposed and weight properties of several knotted and knotless netting were examined. Netting weight (W) could be expressed as a function of number of yarns (n) and mesh size (2L) by the following linear relation, W/(n•de)=A+B•(√n•de/p/2L) where A and B are constants respectively expressed as follows; A=23.8q(kD)2 and B=A(b-2a)kD, where q and kD are the degree of packing of netting twine and a constant relating to the twine diameter, and a and b are constants depending on the type of the knot. The values of A and B calculated from the netting weight table (W(n, 2L) data) for knotted and knotless netting were found to be constant regardless of the kind of fiber. However, A was different depending on the kind of netting (knot type and twine construction). The value of B was found to be remarkedly different between knotted and knotless netting; B=0.00134 for knotted netting while B=0.00003-0.00009 for knotless netting. It was shown that the weight ratio of both netting changed in the range of 0.7 to 3 depending on the size of 2L and n.

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