
一般來說,有精神病暴力紀錄的案主往往是令社會工作人員和專業人士最感頭痛的一群。工作人員往往覺得他們無法溝通、瞭解和建立關係,最後只能以控制、禁錮和強迫服藥作爲介入手法。其實在能耐取向的介入手法下,不少的研究都指出,精神分裂的症狀,如幻像、幻聽、妄想都是可以理解的,而暴力行爲也是可以預知的,並與妄想病人經驗支持系統有關。作者更以一實例顯示如何幫助案主建立互信和溝通讓他們發展所長、重返社會。 Clients with psychosis and record of violence has long been a challenge for social work interventions. Workers tend to insert social control by involuntary hospitalization and medical treatment. Based on a strengths perspective and by means of a case illustration, this paper shows that clients' delusion and hallucination are meaningful. Violent behaviours and outbreaks are predictable and related with stress in clients' psychosocial environments. Once their capabilities and strengths are properly developed, they can recover and enjoy a normal life as other persons in the society.

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