
太极拳是中华武术文化的精华,在健身养生方面具有其他运动不可替代的优势。太极拳的传承发展经历了从师徒之间私下教拳向公开设立拳馆、培训机构甚至连锁化经营的道路,为太极拳产业化发展打下了基础。但是,太极拳产业化发展存在着太极拳产品同质化严重,特色不够鲜明,不能较好地适应当下人们的需求等问题。本论文主要就太极拳产业与健康、休闲旅游产业的联动创新发展进行研究,分析了国内外太极拳健康休闲旅游的发展现状、面临的机遇、存在的问题,提出了太极拳健康休闲旅游开发策略。 Taijiquan is the essence of Chinese martial arts. It is irreplaceable by other sports in healthcare. Taijiquan heritage development has experienced from private teaching between teachers and students to set up public training center. Some training institutions have developed as chaining operation. It lays a foundation for industrialization development of Taijiquan. However, Taiji products are homogeneous and lack of features. It can’t well adapt to the demand of people. This thesis mainly researches about linkage and innovation development between Taijiquan and health as well as leisure tourism. It analyzes the current development, the opportunities and problems at home and abroad of Taijiquan health leisure tourism faces. This thesis points out strategies in Taijiquan health leisure tourism development.

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