
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201305301241 作者: 作者单位: 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,石家庄经济学院商学院,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2009CB421103) The biodiversity conservation value of wetland ecosystem in the Sanjiang Plain Author: Affiliation: Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Business school,Shijiazhuang University of Economics,Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:生物多样性保护是三江平原湿地生态系统提供的一项重要的生态服务功能,具有重要的经济价值。应用M. Hoel和T. Sterner提出的经济模型,分析了贴现率和边际价格变化综合影响下的三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值变化过程,研究了收入边际效用弹性和替代弹性对贴现率和边际价格变化综合效应的影响,并通过对比传统贴现方法揭示了三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护所蕴含的巨大经济价值。研究结果表明,在贴现率和边际价格变化的综合影响下,三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值曲线呈现出先增长再下降的变化趋势,总经济价值为人均19438.9元;收入边际效用弹性和替代弹性的取值对价值评估结果的影响较大,不同参数条件下的价值评估结果将最终作用于湿地生态系统保护相关决策的制定;价值评估结果同样证明了在保持经济较快速度发展的同时提高三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护功能的恢复速率对于促进地区经济协调发展和提高社会福祉状况具有重要的现实意义。 Abstract:Biodiversity conservation is one of the most important service functions of wetland ecosystem in the Sanjiang Plain, moreover, it shines an important economic value in providing people with a variety of materials and services such as plant products and by products, climate regulation, soil formation, water supply and conservation, education and scientific research, recreation and so on. There are numerous factors influence the biodiversity conservation valuation results such as the rate of economic development, the changing rate of biodiversity conservation function, the discount rate, and the marginal price change of the service, etc., but few studies focused on them in the past. This article tries to discuss some problems underlying the ecosystem service valuation by employing the economic model put forward by M. Hoel and T. Sterner, to analyze the value changing process of the biodiversity conversation under the combined effect of the discount rate and the marginal price change, to study the impacts of the marginal elasticity of utility to income and the elasticity of substitution on the discount rate and the marginal price change, and to reveal the huge economic value of the biodiversity protection by comparing to the traditional Ramsey discounting method. The results showed that the value curve using Ramsey discounting method displayed gradually declining trend and the total value of the biodiversity conservation was only 1000.2 yuan(RMB) per person, while the value curve using the economic model displayed increasing at first and then gradually declining under the combined effect of the discount rate and the marginal price change, and it turned out that the total economic value of the biodiversity conservation was about 19438.9 yuan(RMB) per person. The study not only suggested that the wetland ecosystem biodiversity conversation contains the huge economic value but also proved that immediate wetland protection and recovery actions are needed so as to avoid the ever-increasing cost of the continuous wetland ecosystem damage. As the parameter values in the model may bring somewhat of uncertainty and imprecision we put forward the potential value range of the parameters to improve the accuracy and reliability of the results. The impact analysis showed the marginal elasticity of utility to income and the elasticity of substitution greatly influenced the valuation results and related decision-making on the wetland conservation. The lower the marginal elasticity of utility to income and the elasticity of substitution, the lower the combined effect of the discount rate and the marginal price change, and the higher the economic value it reveals. It can be believed that the relatively lower value of marginal elasticity of utility to income and the elasticity of substitution may realize the reasonable results. Our results also proved that it is essential to speed up the recovery of biodiversity conversation function with the rapid economic development for the coordination development of regional economy and the improvement of human society welfare. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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