
Swallowing is the most important movement in the oral cavity as an inret of nutrition essential to the maintenance of the human life. At that time, patients wearing full dentures due to edentulous jaw have comparable movements to those observed in the dentulous jaw. Namely, the tongue press its tip against the rugae of palate in the first stage of swallowing, and then gradually establishes contact between its back and the posterior portion of palate with pressure to transport the food into the pharynx. During this couse, the contact of the posterior portion of tongue with dentures plays an important role in stabilization of dentures.Strack has proposed that arrangement of artificial teeth in the same place as that of the natural dentition is the best way to maintain the stability of denture.In recent years, techniques of making dentures have been improved with the advancement of dental materials. I devised a method of simultaneously making impressions of upper and lower jaws using a injection device and a silicon impression material. I have routinely used this new system to make full dentures for clinical cases.On this occasion, registration of interocclusal relation, gothic arch tracing, simultaneoustaking of upper and lower impressions, and face bow transfer will be performed in front of you using patients, from the initial examination to the setting of full dentures.

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