
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 基于生态地租的生态环境补偿方案选择及效应 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201307031832 作者: 作者单位: 南京农业大学公共管理学院,南京农业大学公共管理学院 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41001382) Ecological compensation schemes and their effects based on ecological land rent Author: Affiliation: College of Public Administration,Nanjing Agricultural University,College of Public Administration,Nanjing Agricultural University Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:生态地租是反映生态资源利用的经济社会效果的超额利润。在将生态地租这一超额利润用于生态环境补偿的思路框架下,整个生产行业应获得的平均利润不会受到损害,因而具有较高的可行性。结合生态地租分配和调节的税收、收费、价格等手段,赋予不同经济主体收益享有权利以及生态环境保护责任,提出生态环境补偿的生态税、地租分享、受益负担和价格补偿等方案选择并作对比,然后以我国生态资源利用和经济产出为参照值模拟不同方案的效应。结果表明,不同补偿方案在补偿主体、补偿原则、补偿形式和适用范围方面存在明显差别,并且针对不同方案,分别在生态税税率达到8.6%、政府和集体享有13.4%的生态地租、受益者补偿支付额为5916元 a-1 人-1以及产品价格上升23.8%等不同补偿水平情形下,生态资源消耗和社会经济产出才能保持在资源生物承载力范围之内。同时,各补偿方案在责任主体以及调节手段上的差异,也会导致不同方案选择在社会福利、利益分配和技术创新等效应上的差异。因此,生态环境补偿实践中,具体补偿方案选择应根据当地实际情况进行综合决策,无差别化的方案将无法实现生态环境保护目标。 Abstract:Ecological land rent is the excess profit produced by resource scarcity, and is also an important indicator to measure the social-economic effects of ecological resources utilization. Using ecological land rent to satisfy ecological compensation, the social producers of all industries obtain average profits after paying for ecosystem services, while the ecological environment is protected. Through combining ecological land rent allocation and regulation with taxes, property, fees and pricing, as well as distributed benefit-sharing rights and environmental protection duties to different economic bodies, we examined different ecological compensation schemes including ecological tax, ecological land rent sharing, payment of beneficiaries, and price increases. Although these four ecological compensation schemes represent different ecological protection strategies, the quantity of ecological compensation equal to total ecological land rent is the same. And in each scheme, the regulation means, compensation forms and scopes of application are also different. Specifically, ecological tax is easy to operate and reflects government obligations regarding ecological protection; the beneficiaries payment scheme is hard to operate and identify the scope of beneficiaries but can solve the externality problem of nature resource utilization; market measures applied to price increases and reflects the demand and supply of nature resource; and ecological land rent sharing encourages all resource users to protect the ecological environment. Using ecological resources utilization and economic output data in China, the effects of ecological compensation schemes were simulated with quantitative models and theoretical analysis. The result shows that, under the conditions of an 8.6% ecological tax rate, or government and communities sharing 13.4% of total ecological land rent, or beneficiaries paid 5916 yuan a-1 person-1, or an average product price increase of 23.8%, the ecological resources consumption and economic output was maintained in the range of bio-capacity. However, when the parameters of ecological compensation, i.e. the ecological tax rate, share of beneficiaries, rate for payments for environmental services and price variance, exhibited the same percentage change, the ecological resources consumption and economic output had different variation. In addition, the different responsible bodies and regulation means of ecological compensation schemes resulted in different effects on interest distribution, technology innovation, production enthusiasm and other aspects. For example, compensation scheme such as ecological tax and ecological land rent sharing had significant impact on interest distribution and technology innovation, while payment of beneficiaries and price increases had significant impact on consumer welfare and daily life costs. Thus, the effect of ecological tax was different from price increases because taxes are governmental measures and the excess profit was reallocated but price increases are related to market forces and the producers had the excess profit. In ecological compensation practice it is therefore necessary to make comprehensive decisions about relevant schemes according to local conditions of population and economic growth, society development, production technology, resource demand and supply, even enterprises' pursuit to profit maximization. The spatial differentiation of ecological compensation schemes also need to be considered. In other words, undifferentiated schemes will not achieve the goal of environmental protection. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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