
It is often said that due to under-developed stage of secondary industry and stagnation of primary industry in LLDCs, many people are left unemployed, and those migrating from rural region to urban region in search of jobs end up in the slums. This, along with high growth of population creates an absolute poverty in these countries.But this is only a part and a biased view, and doesn't necessarily reflect the whole occupation structure of the LLDCs, which, needless to say, varys from country to country, region to region and development stage of occupation structure within a country.In the empirical analysis of Bangladesh it was found that, its occupation structure is changing vigorously with rapid increase of sales workers, service workers, production and transport workers. Further, it was clear that nearly half of the employees ware employed in various non-agricultural works in urban and rural regions in the village study. Those employed within rural (Upazila and nearby places within District) region were commuting, while those employed in urban region were mostly living in the respective employed places, most of the times alone, maintaining a good relation with the village, by making regular visits and remittances to the remaining family members. But, non of them were living in the slums. Though, most of them belonged to younger generations from landless and marginal farm households and were engaged in sales, production, transport and service works, there were many employees from larger farm households, too. In addition, the high ranking jobs like professional and clerical works were not exclusive to employees from larger farm households as generally regarded. Instead, even employees from landless and marginal farm households with higher education get employed in these high ranking jobs, directly or in two steps, at first getting employed in more unstable jobs. This indicates the openness of orthodox two tiered occupation structure.

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